Everywhere I go these days in the church I hear people talking about the five fold ministry and the majority of the time the conversation ends up going in the direction of everyone trying to figure out which one of the five they are…
Have you ever heard you Pastor say “we need to obey our leaders, after all God put them in place.”? Although the mantra sounds good and theological unfortunately it is far from the truth. To avoid a long theological dissertation of how the scriptures are interpreted lets simplify it to say…
Everyone loves stories of the underdog coming out on top. There is nothing quite as exhilarating as watching your favourite sports team lighting it up in the fading moments of the game only to make a comeback and take the victory…
I sat in the drive thru line up at Starbucks, it was just like any other Wednesday except it wasn’t. As I waited in line for my turn at the drive thru I looked up hearing a commotion coming from the car in front of me. I saw a middle aged women dressed in ragged clothing with tears streaming down her face pleading with...
Jesus' chief priority was to bring the kingdom of heaven to manifest on the earth. To only speak those things that He heard the Father speaking and to do only those things He saw the Father doing. Jesus cultivated a lifestyle of ...