Mission Costa Rica
At Legacy, part of our mandate is to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to the Nations of the World. Mission Costa Rica is a newly established base of operations in the Nation of Costa Rica, with a vision to reach Central America with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Based in Cartago, Costa Rica, Mission Costa Rica is centrally located to reach out to the Central American peninsula and the Spanish speaking world.
Our Team
Pastors Travis and Paulina Reid along with six daughters have been ministering in the nation of Costa Rica since 2012. They are both graduates of Rhema Costa Rica one of the international arms of Rhema Bible Training College in Tulsa Oklahoma, founded by Kenneth E. Hagin. In 2012 Travis and Paulina were married and began their life of ministry together. Prior that Travis served six years in the Canadian Armed Forces, where the training he received would prove to be invaluable on the mission filed. Paulina in addition to graduating Rhema Costa Rica completed a two year ministerial program at the Universidad Evangelical de los Americas. ( The Evangelical University of The Americas ) Paulina has also taught courses at both Rhema Costa Rica and Nicaragua. In addition to the work in Costa Rica the Reid’s have also taken several missions trips to Haiti, including spending one year there pastoring a church in a small village 2016. They have also hosted several mission teams from Canada and the US, and have organized and led many different ministry projects. Although they are still involved in many different types of ministry the last few years their main focus of ministry has been to Costa Rica’s indigenous peoples. where they are involved in: evangelism, church planting, children’s ministry, and preparing church leaders to take the Gospel to their own people and to whomever else God my send them.
Church Planting/Bible School
Church Planting Because of the difficult terrain and the vast desperation of the almost twenty thousand Cabecar Indians that live throughout the mountains jungles of Costa Rica, we have found that instead of establishing one centralized church it has been more effective to establish a network of smaller house churches that Pastor Travis provides oversight to. This decreases the distance that people have to walk, sometimes by hours in order to meet and have church. This also allows us to cover more territory and ultimately minister to and reach more people with the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jungle Bible School. Discipling and training up new spiritual leaders is an essential part of our ministry to the Indigenous. Part of the way we are doing that is through our Jungle Bible School. Specifically designed for the unique situation we find ourselves in, in the Jungle. The students as well attending weekly church meetings are required to come to two full days of classes per course, listen to prerecorded classes on a solar powered audio player that we provide, and read a book on the subject being taught. They are given a month to listen to the classes and study the book. Then at the end of each course they are required to complete a written or verbal exam.
Reaching the Unreached
“The roughest mountains I haver seen, and in the opinion of some the roughest that have ever been seen. Intolerable conditions of hunger and thirst slowed our attempts to slice open narrow pathways, and to climb and descend great peaks, so cavernous and drenched in rain that the sight of the sun was a marvel.” Juan Vazquez de Coronado, one of the conquistadors of Costa Rica 1563 A.D.
Since the time that was written to this day traveling through the terrain mentioned above, remains just as difficult. Except for the indigenous peoples that make their home in the dense mountainous jungles that cover large parts of Costa Rica, those jungles have been virtually untouched. For the same reasons that made it difficult for the conquistadors to cut their way through this difficult terrain, many of the indigenous remain virtually unreached and in darkness, unaware of the blessed hope that is found only in Jesus Christ. As part of our ongoing ministry to the indigenous people we continue to make evangelistic trips deep into the heart of the jungle. Utilizing a small projector and speaker we are able to show the Jesus film in their own native language of Cabecar. For many this is the first motion picture they have ever seen, and after watching the film and hearing the Gospel preached, many have been eager to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Missions Support for Travis & Paulina