Posture of Prayer: Submission and Faith

- By Carmen Perret-Smith


Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you,

And therefore he waits on high to have compassion on you. …

He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry;

When he hears it, he will answer you. (Isaiah 30:18, 19, NASB)

Many in the world today believe that if they repeat and believe a certain positive phrase or mantra, or if they simply act in goodness and generosity, that the world will be transformed. The pitiful truth is, without God’s intervention and faithful mercy, we are all doomed for destruction by our own human desires and nature. The realization of this truth must drive you to the place of prayer!

“My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD Almighty. (Mal 1:11, NIV)

Struck by Beauty and Awe

When we see the Sovereign God rightly, we respond with adoration and praise, awe and reverence, thanksgiving and repentance, and submissive humility. When we pray, we are saying to God, “You are all powerful and sovereign and your wisdom and justice are perfect.” We acknowledge our weakness, our complete inability to change or affect anything on this earth, other than through his strength and ability. Paul states it well when he encourages the church at Philippi, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God,” (Phil 4:6, NIV). We are clearly encouraged to pray, as both Jesus and Paul did, about everything!

The fuel behind the prayer life of the Apostle Paul was the revelation of the beauty of Jesus and his kingship. He beheld the “glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” and it became the very breath by which he was sustained! Paul’s life of teaching, missions, and evangelism was unsustainable without a life of humble prayer, submitting to God in every moment. Once we begin to behold the uncreated God of the universe and his true character as revealed in the Word, we have no choice but to humble ourselves.

“In the coming days the calling and ministry of believers will be released through prayer, and the fivefold ministry will emerge from our foundational identity as intercessors.” (Prayer, Why Our Words to God Matter, Corey Russell, p.5)

Beckoning Us to the Throne

Prayer is a glorious privilege. We turn our hearts, minds, and words to the Almighty God and he responds by revealing his heart, giving direction, blessing our lives, and transforming our emotions. He revives the church, saves the lost, and impacts our cities and nations. Every act of prayer - big or small, silent or aloud, alone or with many - moves us to the throne of God in faith and humility.

As the Bride moves into her proper place and becomes purified prior to Jesus’ return, we will be called deeper and deeper into the place of prayer. As this age unfolds, God is waiting for us to voluntarily draw into a position of intimacy with his heart, fellowship with Him, his Son and Spirit, and into agreement and partnership with his plans and purposes on the earth. He is wooing us into his throne room to encounter his heart and to be encouraged by his perfect plans so that we will persevere in faith and prayer until Jesus returns.